Written, directed and performed by Bhagyashree Tarke Synopsis:
Salma Deewani is a light-hearted take on life and a narrative placed in a one-day scenario. One Sunday morning, when Salma’s children are already awake and out to play, her beautiful dream is disturbed by the milkman.
Date & Location
Fri 11 Oct – Sat 12 Oct
The Junction in Dubai
Prices from
80.00 AED
This triggers the part of her that is struggling with life without her husband being around and kicks starts a rollercoaster of banter,bickering, frustration, her love for theBollywood star and other nonsense through her story from childhood to now, until a phone call from her husband who’s in the gulf tells her about an opportunity where she can meet her idol, her love Salman Khan.
Across this, almost one-hour play, Salma details out her shenanigans as a young girl and then how her life is caught up in the daily grind of household chores She finds a joyful escape in her love for Salman Khan, who she supports strongly and fiercely defends him against all the allegations that might have been hurled at him.
The play comes across as a satire about the difficulties of early marriages, loneliness, fan following and ignorance. In its core, it is political and gender conscious.