Life of Pi is an epic tale of adventure, perseverance, and hope – described as “The most stunning production ever seen” (Time Out). The Tony and Olivier-award play is making its way to Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Arena from 15-17 November 2024.
Date & Location
15 Nov, Fri – 17 Nov, Sun
Etihad Arena, Yas Island – Abu Dhabi
Prices from
200 AED
After a shipwreck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a sixteen-year-old boy named Pi survives on a lifeboat with four companions— a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan, and a Royal Bengal tiger. Told with jaw-dropping visuals, world class puppetry and exquisite stagecraft, Life of Pi creates a breathtaking journey that will leave you filled with awe and joy.