Olive oil is a beloved staple in many kitchens, known for its versatility and distinct flavor profile. However, as concerns about plastic packaging and chemical leaching grow, it’s important to consider the best ways to store this precious cooking oil.
While plastic squeeze bottles have become popular choices for olive oil packaging, especially among trendy brands like Graza and Brightland, they may not offer the best protection against oxidation. Studies suggest that plastic containers, particularly those made with polyethylene, can accelerate the degradation of olive oil, leading to a rancid taste and a decrease in antioxidants.
Moreover, there’s a growing concern about the potential for PFAS and microplastics to leach into olive oil stored in plastic containers, especially when exposed to heat. Although the risk is generally low for olive oil packaging, containers treated with fluorine, commonly used for industrial products like pesticides, may pose a higher risk.
So, what’s the safest way to use plastic olive oil bottles? While it’s advisable to minimize exposure to plastic packaging, there’s no need to panic if you have them in your kitchen. To mitigate risks, it’s essential to store olive oil away from heat and light, regardless of the packaging material.
For long-term storage, consider using glass or metal containers, which offer better protection against oxidation. Then, decant small amounts of olive oil into plastic squeeze bottles for short-term use, a common practice in professional kitchens. This approach balances convenience with quality, ensuring that your olive oil remains fresh and flavorful.